


主营业务:Laser Dust Sensor, Infrared CO2 Gas Sensor Manufacturer China

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公司名称: 成都派斯光科技有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 (制造商,贸易商)
所 在 地: 福建省/厦门市/思明区 公司规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 1994
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 制造商,贸易商
经营范围: Laser Dust Sensor, Infrared CO2 Gas Sensor Manufacturer China
综合行业 / 机械设备
 China Pulse Dust Gas CO2 Sensors Co., Ltd. specializes in the manufacturing of high-performance air quality sensors and offers a wide range of air quality concentration detection equipment. Our product lineup includes laser dust sensors, infrared dust sensors, CO2 sensors, TVOC detection modules, formaldehyde sensors, and all-in-one detection modules. These sensors are widely used in smart home appliances and environmental monitoring instruments, earning strong recognition from both domestic and international customers.
Guided by the principle of "customer first, quality foremost," Pulse is committed to creating a safe and healthy living environment by providing superior air quality sensors that are fully compatible with air and environmental purification systems. Through ongoing technological innovation and improvements, we continually enhance our products to meet current market needs and offer greater ease of use for our customers.For more,know more about inkMacSy...
