哈利波特7中 关于斯内普的记忆
是格林德沃(Grindelwald)吧。。。= =
格林德沃是位于瑞士伯尔纳·阿尔卑斯的一条街道。格林德沃巫师失势于1945年,也就是所第二次世界大战结束的那一年,因此也有很多人认为这或许与 *** 有联系吧。
来自于:编者:Adam Hsieh [at] Moviesoon.com
来源:影像日报 | Moviesoon.com 好莱坞电影手册
毫无疑问,霍格沃兹魔法学校校长阿不思·邓布利多( Albus Dumbledore )带着不少秘密走进了坟墓,不过可能连他自己也不知道这个“不能说的秘密”。
来自Associated Press的消息,传言终于被证实:阿不思·邓布利多,久经考验的魔法大师,德高望重的霍格沃兹魔法学校校长,其实是同性恋!创作《哈利波特》( Harry Potter )七部曲的英国知名作家J.K.罗琳( J. K. Rowing ),今年夏天结束了长达10年的马拉松创作历程之后,周五在纽约Carnegie Hall举办的《哈利波特7》( Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows )签售会上让邓布利多校长正式“出柜”。
这正好解释了为什么这位出色的巫师年轻的时候曾经被盖勒特·格林德沃( Gellert Grindelwald )的魔力和魅力所吸引。可是格林德沃不久之后就和邓布利多分道扬镳,独自踏上了追求黑魔法的道路。
谈到《哈利波特6》( Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince )电影版的时候,罗琳说,其中有一个场景提到了邓布利多曾经喜欢过一个女孩。她马上就把这段给划掉了,旁边留了注释给导演大卫·耶兹( D *** id Yates ),解释了关于邓布利多校长的“难以忽视的真相”。
目前还不清楚由迈克尔·甘本( Michael Gambon )扮演的这个角色会不会有所调整,《哈利波特》系列最后两部分别定在2008年年底和2010年暑期上映。
Gellert Grindelwald was the wildly brilliant Dark Wizard that Dumbledore was famous for defeating, but also Dumbledore’s erstwhile friend. The two teens met in 1899 just after Dumbledore finished Hogwarts.
Birthdate: c.1883 (two years younger than Dumbledore)
Deathdate: 1998; killed while in Nurmengard Prison by Voldemort. Grindelwald's fate in Deathly Hallows directly contradicts a statement by J.K. Rowling in 2005 that Grindelwald died in 1945.
First name meaning: May refer to Bishop Gellért of Budapest (980-1046) who was martyred in a pagan Magyar revolt against Christianity. A hill, c *** e and four-star hotel in Budapest are named for him.
Last name meaning: 'Grindelwald' is a *** all village in the Alps of Switzerland. The name could also refer to Grendel, the troll-like monster of the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf. Jo pronounces Grindelwald's name “GRIN dell vald” .
FAMI ***
Ancestry: Probably pureblood.
Great-aunt: Bathilda Bagshot, the author of A History of Magic.
Relationships: Albus Dumbledore fell in love with Gellert when Albus was 17, but was “terribly let down by him” when he realized what Gellert was capable of .
Hair: Blonde, curly shoulder-length hair.
Characteristics: A wild, gleeful look about him.
Wand: The Elder Wand, one of the three Deathly Hallows, which he stole from the wandmaker Gregorovitch.
School: Brilliant student at Durmstrang, but expelled c. 1899.
Career: Attempted to establish wizard supremacy over Muggles, but was defeated and imprisoned for the rest of his life.
Incarceration: From 1945-1998 at Nurmengard, prison he had built for his own political enemies.
PROFILE by Michele Worley and Lisa Bunker
Two years younger than Albus Dumbledore, as a teenager Gellert was blond, wore his curly hair shoulder-length, and had a wild, gleeful look about him.
Grindelwald was a brilliant student at Durmstrang Institute, but was expelled at the age of 16, at which point he chose to go abroad for a few months, moving in with his great-aunt Bathilda Bagshot in Godric's Hollow because he was fascinated by the legend of the Deathly Hallows and wanted to explore the place where Ignotus Peverell had died and was buried. During his stay in Godric's Hollow, Gellert became very close with then 18-year-old Albus Dumbledore, and drew the latter into his plans for world domination. Together they theorized about Wizard supremacy “For the Greater Good” of the world, and how to find the three Deathly Hallows: The Elder Wand, the Cloak of Invisibility, and the Resurrection Stone. However, their relationship lasted mere months; Grindelwald fled when he killed Albus’s unstable sister Ariana during a quarrel, and Dumbledore realized his folly.
During his subsequent rise to power as a Dark wizard, Gellert built a prison, Nurmengard, to hold his opponents, over the door of which the slogan “For the Greater Good” was carved.
The spectacular final battle between Dumbledore and Grindelwald took place in 1945, the final year of World War Two, and the year that Voldemort finished Hogwarts. In the end, Dumbledore won the duel and took Grindelwald’s wand, the Elder Wand of Deathly Hallows fame. This battle was such a notable event that it is featured on Dumbledore's Chocolate Frog card as one of the three things Dumbledore is particularly famous for. Grindelwald was imprisoned in Nurmengard, where he remained until his murder by Voldemort in 1998.
来自于:编者:Adam Hsieh
来源:影像日报 | 好莱坞电影手册
毫无疑问,霍格沃兹魔法学校校长阿不思·邓布利多( Albus Dumbledore )带着不少秘密走进了坟墓,不过可能连他自己也不知道这个“不能说的秘密”。
来自Associated Press的消息,传言终于被证实:阿不思·邓布利多,久经考验的魔法大师,德高望重的霍格沃兹魔法学校校长,其实是同性恋!创作《哈利波特》( Harry Potter )七部曲的英国知名作家J.K.罗琳( J. K. Rowing ),今年夏天结束了长达10年的马拉松创作历程之后,周五在纽约Carnegie Hall举办的《哈利波特7》( Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows )签售会上让邓布利多校长正式“出柜”。
这正好解释了为什么这位出色的巫师年轻的时候曾经被盖勒特·格林德沃( Gellert Grindelwald )的魔力和魅力所吸引。可是格林德沃不久之后就和邓布利多分道扬镳,独自踏上了追求黑魔法的道路。
谈到《哈利波特6》电影版的时候,罗琳说,其中有一个场景提到了邓布利多曾经喜欢过一个女孩。她马上就把这段给划掉了,旁边留了注释给导演大卫·耶兹( D *** id Yates ),解释了关于邓布利多校长的“难以忽视的真相”。
Gellert Grindelwald was the wildly brilliant Dark Wizard that Dumbledore was famous for defeating, but also Dumbledore’s erstwhile friend. The two teens met in 1899 just after Dumbledore finished Hogwarts.
Birthdate: c.1883 (two years younger than Dumbledore)
Deathdate: 1998; killed while in Nurmengard Prison by Voldemort. Grindelwald's fate in Deathly Hallows directly contradicts a statement by J.K. Rowling in 2005 that Grindelwald died in 1945.
First name meaning: May refer to Bishop Gellért of Budapest (980-1046) who was martyred in a pagan Magyar revolt against Christianity. A hill, c *** e and four-star hotel in Budapest are named for him.
Last name meaning: 'Grindelwald' is a *** all village in the Alps of Switzerland. The name could also refer to Grendel, the troll-like monster of the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf. Jo pronounces Grindelwald's name “GRIN dell vald” .
FAMI ***
Ancestry: Probably pureblood.
Great-aunt: Bathilda Bagshot, the author of A History of Magic.
Relationships: Albus Dumbledore fell in love with Gellert when Albus was 17, but was “terribly let down by him” when he realized what Gellert was capable of .
Hair: Blonde, curly shoulder-length hair.
Characteristics: A wild, gleeful look about him.
Wand: The Elder Wand, one of the three Deathly Hallows, which he stole from the wandmaker Gregorovitch.
School: Brilliant student at Durmstrang, but expelled c. 1899.
Career: Attempted to establish wizard supremacy over Muggles, but was defeated and imprisoned for the rest of his life.
Incarceration: From 1945-1998 at Nurmengard, prison he had built for his own political enemies.
PROFILE by Michele Worley and Lisa Bunker
Two years younger than Albus Dumbledore, as a teenager Gellert was blond, wore his curly hair shoulder-length, and had a wild, gleeful look about him.
Grindelwald was a brilliant student at Durmstrang Institute, but was expelled at the age of 16, at which point he chose to go abroad for a few months, moving in with his great-aunt Bathilda Bagshot in Godric's Hollow because he was fascinated by the legend of the Deathly Hallows and wanted to explore the place where Ignotus Peverell had died and was buried. During his stay in Godric's Hollow, Gellert became very close with then 18-year-old Albus Dumbledore, and drew the latter into his plans for world domination. Together they theorized about Wizard supremacy “For the Greater Good” of the world, and how to find the three Deathly Hallows: The Elder Wand, the Cloak of Invisibility, and the Resurrection Stone. However, their relationship lasted mere months; Grindelwald fled when he killed Albus’s unstable sister Ariana during a quarrel, and Dumbledore realized his folly.
During his subsequent rise to power as a Dark wizard, Gellert built a prison, Nurmengard, to hold his opponents, over the door of which the slogan “For the Greater Good” was carved.
The spectacular final battle between Dumbledore and Grindelwald took place in 1945, the final year of World War Two, and the year that Voldemort finished Hogwarts. In the end, Dumbledore won the duel and took Grindelwald’s wand, the Elder Wand of Deathly Hallows fame. This battle was such a notable event that it is featured on Dumbledore's Chocolate Frog card as one of the three things Dumbledore is particularly famous for. Grindelwald was imprisoned in Nurmengard, where he remained until his murder by Voldemort in 1998.
JK罗琳近日接受爱丁堡《学生报》采访时,再次谈论了关于基督教正统教派对HP小说的抨击,还详细说明了她将邓布利多写成gay的原因,还表示她对撰写HP系列的百科全书的强烈兴趣。她谈到了Laura Mallory(我们肯定都记得这位居住在美国佐治亚州的基督徒母亲多次向当地 *** 上诉要求把HP小说当作异教邪书从图书馆书架上撤下):
“他为什么会受到这些思想的蛊惑呢?”她问道:“他是个天性善良的好人,我甚至都没有细想过他为什么会做那些事,这只是我的想法。我想我知道他为什么会做出那样的事,他坠入爱河了,而他们是否在这种意乱情迷的情况下发生身体关系并不是什么大问题。问题在于爱情,而不是性。所以这就是我对邓布利多的了解。而这就解释了他在被爱情冲昏头脑的情况下做出了一些蠢事。他在热恋中完全迷失了他的道德方向,而我认为他随后对他在这些事(指爱情方面)的判断力产生了极大的怀疑,因此他成为了一个完全无性的人,度过了独身禁欲、潜心于书籍的一生。”很显然,很多人并不这样想。她如何回应那些不赞成在一部儿童作品 *** 现同性恋角色的人呢?“那又怎么样?”她立即反驳道:“这是个非常有趣的问题,因为我认为对同性恋的憎恨是一种对人们相爱的惧怕,甚于他们对性行为的惧怕。似乎人们天生就有种对爱情的惧怕,我发现这很令人惊奇。有些人会想,那为什么我们从来没看到过邓不利多对自己身为gay感到不安呢?”罗琳很显然对这种观点觉得很有趣。“这种想法是从哪来的呢?而另外一件事是——我还收到过这类来信——就是,作为一个男同性恋者,他在一所学校里任教是绝对不可靠的。”一股怀疑的气氛袭过房间,貌似罗琳本人也还不能相信这些论点。她继续说:“他是个非常年迈的老人。你必须问自己:为什么这个事就这么引人好奇?人们必须检查他们自己的态度。这只是这个人物的很小的一方面。这是不是他身上最重要的东西呢?不是,这只是邓布利多,看在上帝份上。对于整个故事来说,有20件比他的性取向更重要的事情。”这件事的底限就是:“他不是一个gay人物,他只是一个人物,碰巧是个gay。”罗琳很诚恳地说道。