
strong的动词变形 (strong 的动词和名词)

     2023-06-03 12:14:53     46

strong英 [strɒŋ] 美 [strɔːŋ] xinchi外语

adj. 强壮的,健壮的;坚固的,结实的;坚定的,坚强的;(感情、观点、信仰等)强烈的,坚定的,不会动摇的;(印象、影响)强烈的,深刻的;(关系)稳固的,持久的,牢固的;有说服力的,强有力的;(成功或发生的)可能性大的;实力强的,有望成功的;健康的,强健的;精通的,擅长的;味重的;强效的;(酒精等主要成分)含量高的,浓的;(光线)强烈的,(色彩)浓重的;(货币)坚挺的,(经济)强劲的,(行业)景气的;明显的;强劲的,高速移动的;众多的;(用于数字后,表示某集体的规模)多达……的;粗鲁的,冒犯的;(语法)(动词)强变化的,强变格的;(语音学)重读的;(物理)强

adv. 强劲地,猛烈地,强势地

n. 强势群体(the strong)

【名】 (Strong)(英)斯特朗(人名)

[ 比较级 stronger 更高级 strongest ]


Strong AI 强人工智能 ; 能人工智能 ; 强AI ; 人工智慧

Country Strong 乡谣情缘 ; 乡村音乐之恋 ; 爱的小强 ; 乐下星情

Mark Strong 马克·斯特朗 ; 马克史壮 ; 斯特朗 ; 马克


strong /strɒŋ/ CET4 TEM4

1. ADJ Someone who is strong is healthy with good muscles and can move or carry he *** y things, or do hard physical work. 强壮的

例:I'm not strong enough to carry him.


2. ADJ Someone who is strong is confident and determined, and is not easily influenced or worried by other people. 坚定的

例:He is sharp and manipulative with a strong personality.


例:It's up to managers to be strong and do what they believe is right.


3. ADJ Strong objects or materials are not easily broken and can support a lot of weight or resist a lot of strain. 坚固的

例:The vacuum flask has a strong casing, which won't crack or chip.


例:Glue the mirror in with a strong adhesive.


4. strongly ADV 坚固地 [ADV -ed]

例:The fence was very strongly built, with very large posts.


5. ADJ A strong wind, current, or other force has a lot of power or speed, and can cause he *** y things to move. (风、水流等) 强劲的

例:Strong winds and torrential rain combined to make conditions terrible for golfers in the Scottish Open.


例:A fairly strong current seemed to be moving the whole boat.


6. strongly ADV 强劲地 [ADV with v]

例:The metal is strongly attracted to the surface.


7. ADJ A strong impression or influence has a great effect on someone. (印象或影响) 深刻的; 强烈的

例:We're glad if our music makes a strong impression, even if it's a negative one.


例:There will be a strong incentive to enter into a process of negotiation.

将会有一个强烈的 *** 来进入谈判的过程。

8. strongly ADV 深刻地; 强烈地 [ADV with v]

例:He is strongly influenced by Spanish painters such as Goya and El Greco.


9. ADJ If you h *** e strong opinions on something or express them using strong words, you h *** e extreme or very definite opinions which you are willing to express or defend. (观点、言辞) 坚定的

例:She is known to hold strong views on Cuba.


例:I am a strong supporter of the president.


10. strongly ADV 坚定地

例:Obviously you feel very strongly about this.


例:Republicans in the House were strongly opposed to lifting the ban.


11. ADJ If someone in authority takes strong action, they act firmly and severely. 坚决的

例:The American public deserves strong action from Congress.


12. ADJ If there is a strong case or argument for something, it is supported by a lot of evidence. 有说服力的

例:The testimony presented offered a strong case for acquitting her on grounds of self-defence.


13. strongly ADV 有说服力地

例:He argues strongly for retention of NATO as a guarantee of peace.


14. ADJ If there is a strong possibility or chance that something is true or will h *** en, it is very likely to be true or to h *** en. (可能性、机率) 极大的

例:There is a strong possibility that the cat contracted the condition by eating contaminated pet food.


15. ADJ Your strong points are your best qualities or talents, or the things you are good at. 优秀的; 擅长的 [ADJ n]

例:Discretion is not Jeremy's strong point.


例:Exports may be the only strong point in the economy over the next six to 12 months.


16. ADJ A strong compe *** , candidate, or team is good or likely to succeed. (竞争对手等) 强大的

例:She was a strong contender for the Olympic team.


17. ADJ If a relationship or link is strong, it is close and likely to last for a long time. (关系) 牢固的

例:He felt he had a relationship strong enough to talk frankly to Sarah.


例:This has tested our marriage, and we h *** e come through it stronger than ever.


18. ADJ A strong currency, economy, or industry has a high value or is very succes *** ul. (货币) 坚挺的; (经济、行业) 有实力的

例:The U.S. dollar continued its strong performance in Tokyo today.


19. ADJ If something is a strong element or part of something else, it is an important or large part of it. (成分) 重要的; 强大的

例:We are especially encouraged by the strong representation, this year, of women in information technology disciplines.


20. ADJ You can use strong when you are saying how many people there are in a group. For example, if a group is twenty strong, there are twenty people in it. 多达…的 [num ADJ]

例:Ukraine indicated that it would establish its own army, 400,000 strong.


21. ADJ A strong drink, chemical, or drug contains a lot of the particular substance which makes it effective. (饮品) 浓的; (化学品、药物) 含量高的

例:Strong coffee or tea late at night may cause sleeplessness.


22. ADJ A strong colour, fl *** our, *** ell, sound, or light is intense and easily noticed. (颜色、味道) 浓烈的; 响亮的; (光线) 强烈的

例:As she went past there was a gust of strong perfume.


23. strongly ADV 浓烈地; 响亮地; 强烈地 [ADV with v]

例:He leaned over her, *** elling strongly of sweat.


24. ADJ If someone has a strong accent, they speak in a distinctive way that shows very clearly what country or region they come from. (口音) 浓重的

例:"Good, Mr. Ryle," he said in English with a strong French accent.


25. PHRASE If someone or something is still going strong, they are still alive, in good condition, or popular after a long time. 状况良好; 兴盛不衰 [非正式]

例:The old machinery was still going strong.



strong for 对…特别偏爱的,特别注重…的

strong wind 强风;大风;疾风

strong point 支撑点,坚固支撑点;强项;据点

strong interest 专注

strong will 坚强的意志;强烈意愿;战胜自我


He's the strong silent type.


The team's midfield looks strong.


Butterflies can be strong flyers.




strengthen英 [ˈstreŋθn] 美 [ˈstreŋkθ(ə)n]

v. 使(情感、决心等)更强烈,使(关系)更加紧密;巩固(地位),加强(实力);(货币)升值;增强(体质);为……提供更有力的理由(证据);(风力或水力)变强;使(法令或处罚)更有效;加强,加固(物体或结构)

[ 第三人称单数 strengthens 现在分词 strengthening 过去式 strengthened 过去分词 strengthened ]


strengthen the awareness 提高意识 ; 进步意识 ; 进步认识 ; 强化意识

to strengthen one's physique 增强体质 ; 加强体质

strengthen pollution control 加大污染治理力度 ; 加强污染控制

strengthen the property 增强性能 ; 增强本能机能 ; 增强职能 ; 增强机能

strengthen cooperation 加强合作

strengthen family ties 加强家庭纽带关系 ; 增进亲情

to strengthen tax administration 强化税收征管

strengthen management 加强管理 ; 强化管理

strengthen friendship 加强友谊


strengthen /ˈstrɛŋθən/ CET4 TEM4 ( strengthening, strengthened, strengthens )

1. V-T If something strengthens a person or group or if they strengthen their position, they become more powerful and secure, or more likely to succeed. 加强

例:Giving the president the authority to go to war would strengthen his hand for peace.


2. V-T If something strengthens a case or argument, it supports it by providing more reasons or evidence for it. (提供更多的理由或证据) 支持

例:He does not seem to be familiar with research which might h *** e strengthened his own arguments.


3. V-T/V-I If a currency, economy, or industry strengthens, or if something strengthens it, it increases in value or becomes more succes *** ul. 走强

例:The dollar strengthened against most other currencies.


4. V-T If something strengthens you or strengthens your resolve or character, it makes you more confident and determined. 使变得坚定

例:Any experience can teach and strengthen you, but particularly the more difficult ones.


例:This merely strengthens our resolve to win the pennant.


5. V-T/V-I If something strengthens a relationship or link, or if it strengthens, it makes it closer and more likely to last for a long time. 巩固

例:It will draw you closer together, and it will strengthen the bond of your relationship.


6. V-T/V-I If something strengthens an impression, feeling, or belief, or if it strengthens, it becomes greater or affects more people. 加深; 增强; 他的讲话加深了他是这个组织主要掌权人物的印象。

例:His speech strengthens the impression he is the main power in the organization.


7. V-T If something strengthens your body or a part of your body, it makes it healthier, often in such a way that you can move or carry he *** ier things. 使强健

例Cycling is good exercise. It strengthens all the muscles of the body.


8. V-T If something strengthens an object or structure, it makes it able to be treated roughly or able to support he *** y weights, without being damaged or destroyed. 加固

例:The builders will h *** e to strengthen the existing joists with additional timber.



strengthen environmental protection 加强环境保护

strengthen the awareness 提高意识;强化意识

strengthen unity 加强团结

strengthen discipline 加强纪律


He has a new fitness regime to strengthen his back.


The exercises are designed to strengthen your stomach muscles.


This *** ointment was an attempt to strengthen her hand in policy discussions.


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关键词: 坚定 例句 坚固