
encouraged的相关语法 (encourage的用法及短语)

     2023-05-30 12:25:26     29



1.First, he was invited to competitions around the world.首先,他被邀请去参加世界各地的比赛。be invited to sp.被邀请去......We are invited to Beijing. invite *** .to do sth.邀请某人去做某事;invite *** .to sp. 邀请某人去...... invitation邀请,名词。Thanks for your invitation.感谢你的邀请。

2.Liu was encouraged at first to train for the high jump.起初,刘翔被鼓励训练跳高。(1)be encouraged to do sth.被鼓励做某事。encourage *** . to to sth.鼓励某人去做某事My mother often encourages me to study hard.(2)at first首先;起初(3)high jump跳高

3.In 2001,a special programme was set up to help young sport *** en and sportswomen.2001年设立了一个特殊项目,以帮助年轻的男女运动员。set up建立;设立;创办(组织、企业) A big company was set up in the city last year.

4.His races were recorded, and he was compared with the world's best sports stars.他的比赛被记录下来,与世界上更好度的体育明星作比较。compare ...with/and...把......和......比较 compared with/to...和......相比Compared to other places,it is usually very hot and sunny in the southeast.

5.Sun Haiping used the information to change his training methods for Liu Xiang.孙海平借助这个信息来调整刘翔的训练方法。(1)use sth.to do sth.用某物做某事We often use the machine to cut grass.(2)training methods训练方法

6.From 2008 on, he suffered a lot from his foot problem, but he did not give up.从2008年起,他就开始忍受脚伤带来的痛苦,但他没有放弃。(1)from...on 从......起from today on 从今天起(2)suffer from...受(某种病痛)折磨;因......而受苦Mary often suffers from headache.(3)give up放弃

7.Though he missed some competitions, he still returned to first place in the world 110m hurdles in 2012.尽管他错过了一些比赛,他仍然于2012年夺回了世界110米跨栏比赛第一的位置。(1)though=although虽然;尽管,引导让步状语从句,不能与but连用(2)miss错过,动词。miss doing sth.错过做某事He got up so late that he missed catching the first bus.(3)first place第一名

8.It is a pity that his foot problem stopped him from completing the 2012 London Olympic Games.令人遗憾的是,他的脚伤使他没能完成2012年伦敦奥运会的比赛。(1)It is a pity that+句子,表示令人遗憾的是......It is a pity that you missed the party.(2)stop *** ./sth. (from) doing sth.=keep *** ./sth. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事/阻止某事发生We must stop him from throwing the rubbish everywhere.

9.But he is still a symbol of courage and success, and we continue to take great pride in him.但是他仍然是勇气和成功的象征,我们依然为他感到十分骄傲。(1)a symbol of...一个......的象征(2)courage勇气,名词。encourage鼓励,动词。(3)continue to do sth. 继续做某事(表示做完一件事继续做另一件事)We h *** e finished our homework。Let's continue to swim.(4)take pride in=be proud of...以......为骄傲/自豪


1.In 1948 Sir Ludwig Guttmann, a doctor at a hoptal in England, began using sports as part of his patients’treatment.1948年,路德维格戈特曼爵士——英国一所 *** 的医生——开始将运动作为治疗病人的方法的一部分。(1)at a hospital在 *** (2)begin doing sth.=start doing sth.开始做某事(3)part of... ......的一部分

2.He set up a competition with other hospitals at the same time as the London Olympics in that year.(1)set up创立(2)at the same time同时

3.More and more people take part in the Paralympics, and at the 2008 Paralympics in China, more than 140 countries took part.越来越多的人参加残奥会,在2008年中国举办的残奥会上,有140多个国家参加。(1)more and more越来越多的;比较级+and+比较级,越...越...Our city is becoming nicer and nicer.(2)take part in参加(群众性活动、会议等)All the students took an active part in the cleaning.(3)more than超过

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关键词: 的是 比较级 句子